
The state of hardware acceleration on ODROID U2: 3rd round

There has been fermentation and progress regarding the ongoing 3.8 issues (performance degradation, FIMC/FMC), today I have tested the 3.8 hardkernel linux tree, added some missing patches and could finally complete my benchmarks.

Kernel X11 Driver Resolution glxgears es2gears glmark2-es2 glmark2-es2 --fullscreen
3.0.90 ARM mali 720p ~ 140 fps ~ 599 fps 142 81
3.0.90 ssvb sunxi 720p ~ 144 fps ~ 620 fps 156 91 ARM mali 720p ~ 139 fps ~ 659 fps 143 81 ssvb sunxi 720p ~ 144 fps ~ 447 fps 87 48

You can compare these tests with the 2nd round of my benchmarks: did you notice the difference? :)

Yes, the performance degradation bug is fixed. Many thanks to ovversun, memeka and mdrjr for all their work and tests!


  1. Well done everyone.
    What was the cause ?

  2. wrong clocking, see also recent commits on odroid-linux-3.8.y
